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Talalay & Dunlop 100% Latex

Talalay & Dunlop 100% Latex

Many people are surprised at the concept of a latex mattress, but latex possesses various benefits that make it ideal for this purpose.

First, all latex mattresses are made with natural latex derived from rubber tree sap. Latex mattresses feature natural, biodegradable ingredients from renewable resources and water-based raw materials, including natural latex, air, and water. Latex is a truly green and environmentally friendly product with no solvents or toxic chemicals in memory foam mattresses.

Furthermore, the manufacturing process does not damage the ozone layer; the rubber trees have up to 25 years of productive life and a strong positive effect on the environment, as they absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and reduce emissions.

Latex is up to 20 times more durable than standard polyurethane foams. The strength of the latex material allows the manufacturers to offer solid guarantees for their products and assures maximum value for consumers. This means they represent an excellent long-term investment and won’t require any upkeep other than occasionally airing, to keep them fresh.

A latex mattress can last as long as twenty years, compared to conventional spring-based mattresses, which generally need to be replaced every 5-7 years or so (or even more frequently in the case of cheap mattresses).

For our mattress covers fabric, we are using HEKLA Crib 5 quality which is inherent FR without any chemical FR treatment and, therefore, permanent FR and washable at 60 degrees Celsius).

What is Talalay & Dunlop 100% Latex?

Dunlop and Talalay are two methods for manufacturing the latex foam used in bedding.

Dunlop is the standard technology, developed in 1929, while Talalay is a relatively new, more complex, costly, and time-consuming method.

Both methods use natural latex and can produce latex mattresses in any of the three blends described above. The production process always starts with mixing liquid latex with water. Small amounts of other materials are required to process liquid latex into a solid form, which is necessary for all latex production. These are natural soaps, sulphur, and gelling and vulcanisation agents. When the latex mixture is ready, compressed air is used to make foam. The foam is then poured into a mould, after which the vulcanisation process begins. The latex foam is vulcanised at over 110 degrees for about 50 minutes. The finished mattress core is removed from the mould, washed and dried.

The key difference in processing in the Dunlop and Talalay methods is the two additional steps in the Talalay technology – vacuum and freeze. When the mould is filled with the latex mixture and then closed, the pressure inside is reduced to create a vacuum, which lowers the air pressure in the mould cavity while increasing the air pressure in the foam bubbles. As a result, the foam expands and fills the mould evenly and the pressure inside the bubbles is driven to equalise over the entire latex block, leading to a very uniform density. The water in the latex foam is then frozen, and carbon dioxide is injected. The freezing prevents the latex particles from settling at the bottom and transforming into a solid product. This means that the finished Talalay latex mattress has a consistent density from top to bottom. Because there is no freezing stage in the Dunlop process, the rubber particles settle in the bottom of the mattress while the liquid latex is gelling into its solid form. So there could be slight differences in the feel and the firmness of the two sides of a Dunlop latex mattress. Although the Talalay process takes four times longer and consumes five times more energy than the Dunlop process, the two additional process steps improve the feel, quality and consistency of the finished latex, but at high additional cost and also with a much bigger carbon footprint.

A Complete Guide To Choosing The Best Latex Mattress

Given the rise in eco-friendly consumerism, more and more companies now offer greener alternatives to traditional products. In the mattress industry, this shift toward cleaner materials and sustainable manufacturing practices has boosted the popularity of latex mattresses.

Latex foam mattresses have been around for decades, but because they typically cost more than innerspring and other foam models, they never rose to the top of the mattress market. But

now, consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable products. Many companies have answered the call for greener mattresses and have expanded or added latex to their product lines.

Fortunately for eco-conscious consumers, the more mattress brands offer high-quality latex beds, the more competitive their product prices become. As a result, latex mattresses are more affordable than ever, and shoppers now have a more comprehensive range of latex models and features to choose from.

If the idea of a greener mattress has sparked your interest, but you don’t know much about latex beds, you’ve come to the right place. This guide will go over the benefits of latex mattresses, the different types of latex density, and how to find the mattress that best suits your unique sleep needs.

What Makes Latex An Ideal Mattress Material?

How do latex beds stack up against innerspring, memory foam, and other polyfoam mattresses?

Understanding latex’s core characteristics can help you make the comparison.

As explained above, the eco-friendly characteristics of latex mattresses give them an edge over innerspring and memory foam mattresses. But what makes latex a green choice?

Mattress manufacturers make latex foam from the milky-white sap of rubber trees, an all-natural and sustainable resource. When farmers tap the trees to collect the sap, they only slice a small section of the tree’s bark, about a quarter inch deep. The fluid flows from the tap and doesn’t hurt the tree. Rubber trees can live up to 100 years old, and farmers can harvest latex from a single tree for 28 years.

Moreover, many latex mattresses on the market are certified organic. They don’t require chemical treatment or harmful additives like the (VOCs) used in memory foam. And, unlike innerspring and memory foam mattresses, natural latex mattresses are biodegradable.

Latex mattresses offer the right amount of resistance to support your body and provide pressure relief while still cushioning your bones and joints for optimal comfort. The material has a soft feel and allows enough contouring to cradle your body but not enough to let you “sink” into the mattress, which can misalign your spine.

People who sleep hot also like the temperature neutrality of latex. Unlike memory foam, latex foam

doesn’t need heat-trapping chemical additives to make it flexible.

Perhaps more than any other benefit, latex mattresses are known for their durability. With rubbery resilience and fast-reacting flexibility, latex foam doesn’t lose shape. Memory foam won’t sag, develop indentations, or become less responsive over time. Premium latex mattresses often last for well over ten years.

Comparing Latex Types and Quality

Well-designed natural latex beds possess all the characteristics described above, but not all latex mattresses are created equal. First and foremost, premium latex mattresses use only the best latex foam. But beware— there are a lot of synthetic and sub-par dupes out there. If you’re in the market for a latex bed, you should understand the differences between synthetic, blended, Talalay, and Dunlop.

Synthetic latex mimics the qualities of natural latex but has none of the eco-friendly benefits that make all-natural latex mattresses so popular. This man-made material is petroleum-based and, like memory foam, contains harmful VOCs that cause off-gassing.

While natural latex mattresses are temperature-neutral, synthetic latex mattresses often trap heat thanks to their chemical ingredients. They’re also less flexible and durable, and artificial latex mattress owners often complain about the foam trapping moisture.

When browsing latex mattresses, you’ll also see blended mattresses made with synthetic and natural latex. While better than fully synthetic latex, blended latex still contains the harmful chemicals you want to avoid.

If you opt for an all-natural latex mattress, you have three choices: one made with Talalay latex foam, Dunlop latex foam, or a combination. Manufacturers make both materials with sap from rubber trees. However, they use different processes for the two types of natural latex.

Both Talalay and Dunlop latex foam start as the milky-white liquid harvested from rubber trees, which is then whipped into a foam and poured into a mould. To make Dunlop latex, manufacturers fill the mould with the frothy foam and then bake it. On the other hand, mattress makers only partially fill the mould to produce Talalay latex. Next, they vacuum seal and rapidly freeze the mould, stabilising the foam before baking.

These processes result in two distinct forms of natural latex. Because Dunlop latex doesn’t undergo vacuum sealing and rapid freezing, sediments naturally fall to the bottom before baking. This makes Dunlop latex bottom-heavy, whereas Talalay latex has a consistent composition.

In general, Dunlop is denser than Talalay, so Talalay latex feels softer. For that reason, some brands offer mattresses with a Talalay latex top layer and a Dunlop latex support layer. Talalay latex is also bouncier than Dunlop, offering better contouring and responsiveness.

With fewer steps, producing Dunlop latex requires less time and resources than making Talalay latex, so 100 per cent Dunlop mattresses typically cost less than their 100 per cent Talalay counterparts. However, people generally consider Talalay latex a higher-quality material than Dunlop.

The Luxury Of Latex

With a basic understanding of latex types, latex ILD, and latex mattress construction, you should have no problem finding a latex mattress that suits your every sleep need. If you choose natural latex, the right firmness level, and a model with an advanced multilayer design, you’ll likely fall in love with latex. Plus, you’ll feel good about your eco-friendly purchase.